Learn how to launch or revitalize your church or ministry & be multiplying every 6 weeks! Watch our Free Video Training



Rev. Francis Omedo

Hallo and shalom. I wanted to say that it is a great honor to have met you through the New Church Training. Wish you well as you continue with laboring in the Kingdom and pioneering God’s work. 

Hope to continue fellowshipping with you more and exploring the points of synergy for the Kingdom. 



Pastor Jeff is an amazing coach. He is very patient to listen and understand the situation. 

He is trustworthy and confidential. He is humble enough to ask you before he shares information about you. 

He is a gem in the Kingdom of God.


Sivan Simmora-Indonesia

I am very excited to implement this teaching. For our Main ministry Organization is to plant Churches.

And I am the Chairman of our Organization.

Vision 1000 Churches will be done if all our Pastors and Bible College Students are involved.

Also Our Church organization is registered in our Government. It means we have the right to plant Churches in the whole Indonesia.


Sivan Indonesia

Just finished studying Church planting. I was blessed. And now my vision is to plant 1000 Churches for the rest of my life.I and my Co-Pastors still planted 50 Churches in 12 Provinces of Indonesia so far. Still a huge mission field in Indonesia. Our Church is called Gereja Injili Anugerah Tuhan (GIAT).It is a new synod, so not many people have heard about God yet.


Olbin Visagie

Thank you so much

I am so glad to have gone on this training,

there were many things that I was not

aware of but this training has surely helped


Thank you for your willingness to help us in

our church plant. May the Lord bless you

and the team who so diligently work to make this happen.

Many blessings


Krystal Scott

Dr. Jeff’s coaching made me love and hate him. There were times I wanted to never speak to him again, and now I thank him for caring enough to do the hard stuff.  His high expectations and the rigor of his coaching caused me to grow astronomically. Dr. Jeff’s coaching is a major contributor to the sturdy foundation on which I stand today.  Dr. Jeff was my senior pastor, my mentor, my boss, and today I consider him both family and friend


Why do I need a Coach?

5 Reasons Why Church Planters Need a Coach! 

  1. Coaches provide accountability. Accountability is necessary and helpful in accomplishing your goals! Accountability ensures the completion of identified action steps. The coach can help planters focus on goals and action steps such as developing your vision and mission. Developing your elevator pitch, helping you develop your plan, and your launch timeline, etc.
  2. Coaches help you go further faster. Through coaching, you can have an unbiased set of eyes to evaluate your plans to help you identify areas you may have missed and other blindspots.
  3. Coaches create a safe, learning environment. By asking good questions, coaches focus the conversation on the results you want to achieve. We also have access to 8 different Training tracks we offer free of charge to our clients. 
  4. Coaches enable you to stay on track. Church planters need to focus on their own personal growth and character development, and also on the tasks necessary to launch a healthy, externally-focused church. The coach can work directly with your mentor to help you achieve the best version of yourself in partnership with God.
  5. Coaches help you to listen to God and what He wants done. Coaching provides an accurate picture of where you are – and helps you move forward to where you need to be – with support in the journey.

How much does a coach cost?

The first 30 days coaching are free with a signed covenant. If after 30 days one or both do not feel there is a good fit, you are released from the covenant with no strings attached and will not have paid 1 penny. After 30 days it depends on the level of coaching you need. Most covenants are less than the cost of a Venti cup of starbucks per day.

Do I need a mentor?

Yes! A coach is typically not your mentor.

What is the difference between a coach and a mentor?

   A mentor is someone who has been where you want to go and willing to help you get there. A mentor labors in the trenches with the planter. The mentor/mentee relationship is much like the rabbis relationship in the ancient Jewish culture and primarily concerned with the character and spiritual matters of the planter.

 A Coach is more focused on the health of the church plant. The coach must have credibility  and to an extent places his/her own credibility on the line. The coach is primarily focused on evaluating the specifics of the plan and strategy as well as training and equipping the planter.

How often do I get to talk to my coach?

Email and Texting are unlimited. You will get the personal email and cell phone of your coach. International planters will utilize WhatsApp. Coaching sessions, depending on your plan, are twice a month, plus separate coaching sessions during the training with other coaches.